‘Reclaim the Night’ was a central theme of FAN’s International Women’s Day exhibition for 2018. November 12th 2017 was the 40th anniversary of the start of the ‘Reclaim the Night’ marches. Every year, these marches bring 1000s of women onto the streets to reclaim their right to enjoy the freedom of our towns and cities, at night, without fearing male violence. (Although one volunteer has suggested we need Reclaim the Day marches too.) The exhibition included a running video highlighting some of the marches throughout the years, including commentary by women who took part. Following on the theme of calling out male violence, misogyny and ‘every day sexism’, the exhibition included contemporary material including a “Times Up” exhibition. There was also a “Me Too” board on which some women did post their own experiences. At 12 then at 1 there were conversations set off by a speaker followed by debate – relating to violence against women and women’s resistance. Finally, as this is also the anniversary year when some women got the vote, the exhibition included suffragette artefacts. Many visitors left their contact details in order to learn more about FAN and two visitors kindly volunteered to help FAN dismantle the exhibition at the end of the day. Thanks to everyone who came along.