It took us a while to get here, but our old website has finally been retired to the herstory archive. We hope you’ll find our new one more informative and easier to navigate. Some of the information remains the same – the chronology of the Women’s Liberation Movement, which we know many of you find an indispensable research tool, is still here – but some things are changing.
The launch of our new website coincides with a big change for FAN, one which we are very excited about. The catalogue of our collections has been moved over to Leeds University’s Special Collections online database, allowing anyone to search our collections and see what’s available. We know that this will make a big difference to the researchers who use FAN.
We will also be making regular posts, keeping you informed of FAN activities, relevant events and new additions to our collections, or to highlight interesting items that have been donated.
To make sure you keep up to date with Feminist Archive North, sign up to receive our regular posts.