Many of the resources which have been drawn upon in the compilation of this chronology pose serious problems for conventional academic forms of referencing. Many key WLM pamphlets, newsletters etc. were not ‘published’ in the conventional usage of the word, but were produced locally by individual women or groups, photocopied and circulated. Early editions of newsletters were frequently not dated or numbered and if so have been dated here using a variety of clues within the texts themselves for example, if the price on the front cover is given in old money we can assume the publication was pre 1971; if the Corrie Bill is mentioned, it must be 1979 or after, and so on.
The list of references reflects these various difficulties. Where known, the publisher or the groups which circulated the pamphlet are listed. In the case of conference papers, full conference details are given when this information is available. The amount of information in each listing reflects the form in which that particular document was used in the research. For example, if an article which was at one point formally published is listed without a publisher, then the version of the article which was used in this research was an unpublished draft copy. Given these difficulties of categorisation, the un/published hierarchy is not maintained in this list of references by referring to WLM grassroots material as ‘unpublished’.
Please note that all of the articles cited here are available for consultation in the Feminist Archive North.
Bearse, Miriam (1996) “An Oral History Project at Work: A Reflection on Current Research on the WLM in Britain”, paper presented at Women’s Studies Network (UK) conference on Feminisms: Past, Present and Future, University of Glamorgan, July 1996.
Belsize Lane WL Group (1978) ‘Nine Years Together: A History of a Women’s Liberation Group’, in Spare Rib, 69 pp. 41 46.
Big Flame Women’s Commission (1976) ‘Towards a Women’s Commission Report’, paper presented at Big Flame National Conference.
Birmingham Socialist Feminist Consciousness Raising Group (1978) ‘The Seven Demands of the Women’s Liberation Movement: The Beginnings of a History 1970-1978’.
Bradford Women’s Group (1976) (letter) WIRES 20, 29th September 1976, p. 15.
Brighton WL Group (1976) ‘The Seventh Demand some notes for discussion’, (letter)
Bruce, Errolyn (1976) ‘In 1970 …’ Untitled paper presented at a seminar at Bradford University.
Catcall Collective (1979) ‘Is it just us, or is it really cold out there?’ Catcall 9: 2 3.
Chester, Gail (1977?) ‘Letter in reply to some of the points about the history of the socialist/ feminist current and of the Working Women’s Charter Campaign in Scarlet Women No.4’ (letter) Scarlet Women 5: 27 28.
Coulson, Margaret (1974) ‘LesbianLiberationWomen’sLiberation’, paper written for the National WLM Conference, Edinburgh.
Delmar, Rosalind (1973) ‘Some Notes on the History of the Movement’, paper for the Women’s Liberation and Socialism Conference, London.
Dwek, Erika H. (1977) ‘The liberal take over of the women’s movement’, Bread and Roses : 7: 3 4.
Edinburgh Women’s Aid (1976) Newsletter No. 1
Ettore, Betsy (1977?) ‘Women, Urban Social Movements and the Lesbian Ghetto’.
Hanmer, Jalna (1976) ‘Women’s Aid and the WLM in Britain’ paper presented at the American Sociological Association (ASA) conference 1976.
Henderson, Roberta (1976) ‘The Abortion Campaign (a fight to protect the more progressive 1967 legislation) to throw out White’s Bill, has been mismanaged in some ways, has been overplayed in terms of theoretical importance, and has successfully and progressively managed to evade the central issue…’, Catcall 2: 13 14.
Jackson, Hilary (1978) NAC Conference Decision’, in Breaking Chains: The Newspaper of ALRA, 7, May June 1978, p3.
James, Selma (1976) Women, the Unions and Work , Bristol: Falling Wall Press.
Knight, R., T. Woodcraft, M. Purdy, C. Jones, and E. Coffey (1975) ‘What Demands and Campaigns for the Women’s Movement?’, paper which came out of the Nottingham WL Group for the Women’s Liberation and Socialism Conference, London.
Leeds Big Flame (1976) ‘Draft Report to Conference’, paper presented at Big Flame National Conference.
Leeds NAC Group (1975) ‘Paper from Leeds National Abortion Campaign’.
Leeds Women (1979) ‘Protest About Violence Against Women, 8/9/79 Bradford’, WIRES No. 76: 17.
Levine, Cathy (1974) ‘Tyranny of Tyranny’, Black Rose No. 1.
Lewis, Jane (1992) Women in Britain since 1945 , Oxford: Blackwell.
McIntosh, Mary (1974) ‘The 5th Demand’, Red Rag 7: 4 5.
Malos, Ellen (1972) Notes on the History of the Women’s Liberation Movement’, in Enough: The Journal of the Bristol Women’s Group
(unnumbered edition from 1972), first appearing in the International Marxist Review, 3, April 1972.
Manchester and District Women and Socialism Group (1978a) ‘Socialist Feminist Current and [its] Relationship to Left Groups’, paper for the Socialist Feminist Conference, Manchester.
Manchester [and District] Women and Socialism Group (1978b) ‘NAC and its Lessons for the Socialist Feminist Movement’, paper for the Socialist Feminist Conference, Manchester.
Mitchell, Juliet (1971) Womens’ Estate , London: Penguin.
Mohin, Lilian with Sara Scott (1984) ‘Storming the Wimpy Bars’, Trouble and Strife, 3, pp. 54-56.
Northeast Region Socialist Feminist Groups (York, Leeds, Hull, Durham, Doncaster, Sheffield) (1972) ‘Statement of Aims…’, paper for National WLM Conference, Acton (London).
North Shields Scarlet Women Collective (1979) ‘The Demands of the Women’s Liberation Movement: A Socialist Feminist Perspective’.
Oxford Women and Socialism Group (1975) ‘The Working Women’s Charter…’, Women’Strumpet , 93.
Oxfordshire Women’s Aid (1976) First Report , Oxfordshire WA : Oxford.
Pattison, Nikki (1976 or 1977) ‘The Organisation and Structure of Women’s Aid’, written for Doncaster Women’s Aid and NWAF(E).
Rowbotham, Sheila (1969) Women’s Liberation and the New Politics . Nottingham: Spokesman.
Rowbotham, Sheila (1972) ‘The Beginnings of Womens Liberation in Britain’, in Michelene Wandor (ed.) (1972) (reprint 1978) The Body Politic: Women’s Liberation in Britain. London: Stage 1, pp. 91-102.
Rowbotham, S., L. Segal, and H. Wainwright (1979) Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making of Socialism, London, Merlin.
Scarlet Women Collective (1977) ‘A Short History of the Socialist Current Within the British Women’s Liberation Movement’. Scarlet Women , 4 (July 1977): pp 5-7.
Scottish Women’s Aid (1994) Annual Report 1993/4 , Edinburgh: Scottish Women
Shildrick, Margrit (1979) ‘Feminism and the Organisation of Sexuality : Is Liberation a Lesbian Plot?’.
Shulman, Sheila (1976) ‘Lesbian Feminist ?Politics?’, Catcall 2: pp 5-9.
Shulman, Sheila (interviewed by Lynn Alderson) (1983) ‘When Lesbians Came Out Movement’, Trouble and Strife 1, pp. 51 56.
Sutton, Jo (1978) ‘Conference happenings’, Rev/Rad 1: 4
Sutton, Jo and Jalna Hanmer (1984) ‘The Early Days of Women’s Aid’, Trouble and Strife 4, pp.55 60.
Tufnell Park Women’s Liberation Group (1970) ‘The bourgeois press…’ untitled article, Shrew , April 1970, pp. 1 5.
Underwood, Betty (1973) ‘The Women’s Abortion and Contraception Campaign’, Enough: The Journal of the Women’s Liberation Group , 6, pp. 8 ~ 13.
Villanueva, Toni (1978) ‘Start of The Women’s Movement in Leeds’ (notes).
Wandor, Michele (ed.) (1972) (reprint 1978) The Body Politic: Women’s Liberation in Britain ; London: Stage 1.
Watford WL Group (1971) ‘The Future of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Britain’ paper for the National WLM Conference, Skegness.
Welsh Women’s Aid (1983) Annual Report 1982/3 , Cardiff. Fingerprints.
Women’s Liberation Workshop (1971) ‘A Brief History of the Women’s Liberation Workshop’, from An Introduction to the Women’s Liberation Movement , London. WLW.