• Feminists Against Sexual Terrorism: FAST Newsletter, Bradford, then Manchester 
• Feminist Review, London 
• Lesbian Line Newsletter, Nottingham
• Nessie: Scottish Radical Feminist Newsletter, St. Andrews 
• Women and Literature, Birmingham
• Women’s Media Action Newsletter (AFFIRM), London
• Young Wimmin’s Magazine, London
Bradford / Leeds
• Bradford: A march is held to protest against the “Ripper” murders and other murders of women and the requests by officials that women in the area remain inside at night: 400 women held a rally to show our anger and grief at violent attacks on women by men.
“The police had changed our original route but we marched where we wanted to go anyway through the busiest area of central Bradford. Women responded very positively to our leaflet in which we called for a curfew on men and the right to defend ourselves.” (Leeds Women, 1979: 17).
• Feminist lawyer, Marguerite Russell, wins custody case for a lesbian mother at risk of losing her children due to her sexuality.
• Airedale Women’s Aid/ Refuge begins in Keighley
• Patriarchy Study Group, London/ Leeds/ various places
• Defend Sara Dixon Campaign, Bradford. Sara Dixon had been arrested during an anti fascist demonstration and charged with possession of an offensive weapon. (She had a pocket knife in her bag.) Resonating with the other issues in town surrounding a woman’s right to self defence, and the Reclaim the Night activities arising from the ‘Ripper’ fear, a defence campaign was launched. Marguerite Russell defended Sara, who was given a one year suspended sentence.
• Week of Action Against Violence Against Women (Women’s Aid, WAR.), Birmingham, Leeds
External sites cited on these pages:
~ Colquhoun, Maureen bio from Wikipedia
~ Goodman, Amy (1985) The Case Against Depo Provera, Multinational Monitor 6 (2/3)
~ Margaret ThatcherArchive
~ Orbach, Susie, bio from London School of Economics
~ Phillips, Angela (2004) Defending Women’s Right to Choose, Socialist Worker 1926, Vol 6 November 2004
~ Sutcliffe, Peter – overview of the “Yorkshire Ripper” case, from the BBC
Additional external sites of interest:
~ Cohen, Steve – Solidarity Not Pity, from (Cohen defended Nasira Begum)
~ Coultas, Val (1981) Feminists Must Face the Future, Feminist Review, No. 7 (Spring, 1981), pp. 35-48
~ Fat is Still a Feminist Issue(2002) Shanghai Daily Star (Interview with Susie Orbach)
~ Harriss, Kathryn* (1989) New Alliances: Socialist-Feminism in the Eighties. Feminist Review, No. 31, The Past before Us: Twenty Years of Feminism (Spring, 1989), pp. 34-54
~ London Women’s Liberation Campaign for Legal and Financial Independence and Rights of Women* (1979) Disaggregation Now! Another Battle for Women’s Independence. Feminist Review, No. 2 (1979), pp. 19-31
Whittle, Louise (2004) Why Feminism? Worker’s Action 27
~ Women in the House of Commons
Feminist Archive North accepts no responsibility for content on external sites