Social Context / Legislation
• Juliet Mitchell‘s anti-university course.
• MATRIMONIAL PROCEEDINGS AND PROPERTY ACT guarantees the wife a share of the family assets on dissolution of the marriage, based on her labour as either housewife or wage earner.
• DIVORCE REFORM ACT makes irretrievable breakdown of the marriage the only grounds for divorce, and automatically grants divorce after five years of separation.
• In 1969, after an informal meeting of a group in Oxford, plans are made for an Oxford conference during February 1970 (Rowbotham 1972: 96)
Organisations / Campaigns
“After the Revolutionary Festival at Essex University, various groups of women in local areas around Britain begin to organise themselves, setting up a network of communication. Five Women’s Liberation (WL) groups in Greater London – Tufnell Park, Peckham Rye, Notting Hill, Belsize Lane and Islington – begin the Women’s Liberation Workshop. They began Shrew and created a manifesto in 1970.” (Rowbotham 1972)
• EQUAL PAY DEMONSTRATION (London) and rally in Trafalgar Square.
• Demonstrations against the Festival of London stores, using street theatre.
• Demonstrations against the MISS WORLD pageant, November 20.
• Shrew 
• Socialist Woman 
Bradford / Leeds
External sites cited on this page:
~ Mitchell, Juliet – Academic Biography, from Jesus College at Cambridge University
~ Roberts, Andrew – Table of UK Statutes
~ Rowbotham, Sheila (nd) On the 1969 Revolutionary Festival from the Essex 68 website
~ Setch, Eve* (2002) The Face of Metropolitan Feminism: The London Women’s Liberation Workshop, 1969–79. Twentieth Century British History 13(2):171-190
~ Students of the University of Bristol (2003) Motivations behind the Miss World Protests 1969
Additional external sites of interest:
~ E. Efe Çakmak, Juliet Mitchell, Bülent Somay (2006) There is never a psychopathology without the social context: An interview with Juliet Mitchell, from Eurozine
~ O’Sullivan, Sue* (1982) Passionate Beginnings: Ideological Politics 1969-72. Feminist Review, No. 11, Sexuality (Summer, 1982), pp. 70-86
~ Tesseras, Mick – Photos of the Revolutionary Festival, February 1969
* Athens or similar subscription may be required to view content in peer-reviewed journals
Feminist Archive North accepts no responsibility for content on external sites