~ National Women’s Liberation Movement Conference, Bristol
“At the Bristol conference I stood up in the plenary and said ‘Are there any fiction writers here because what we should do is publish our own fiction.’ So a few people came forward and we formed a little workshop and then I took it upon myself to collect the stories and stuff and we published it.” (Lee Comer, OHP Interview No. 1)
~ North West Regional Women’s Liberation Conference, Lancaster
~ South West Regional Women’s Liberation Conference, Reading
Socialist Feminist
~ Regional Socialist Women WLM Conference, March, Reading
~ Second Conference on Marxists in the WLM, September
~ Socialist Woman Conference, January, London
~ Women’s Liberation and Socialism Conference, Birmingham (1) 
On strategy and practice in relation to the WLM.
~ Women’s Liberation and Socialism Conference, London (2) 
On Autonomy or Separatism?
~ Women and Socialism Conferenceon Day Care, London 
~ Women and Socialism Conference on the Politics of Sexuality 
Reproductive Rights
~ WACC National Conference, Liverpool
~ (The) Family Conference, Leeds
~ Feminist History Conference, London 
~ One Day Conference on the Future of the WLW, July, London
~ Women and Law, London
~ Women’s Liberation Literature Collectives Conference, Bristol
~ Women’s Studies Conference, Essex
~ British Sociological Association (BSA) conference on Sexual Divisions, Aberdeen 
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