Welcome to the web-based version of the
Chronology of the WLM in Britain
The chronology presented here is an updated and expanded version of our original paper-format compilation. Wherever possible, we have tried to link to additional materials available on the Internet, as well as to digital copies of materials available in the archive itself.
The chronology is a living artifact, and will be evolving rapidly over the next year and a half as the Archive undergoes extensive cataloguing and digitalisation. You can bookmark our What’s New page and/or join our mailing list to keep up with additions to the site, as well as events at the Archive and in the Yorkshire area. Suggestions, contributions and comments are also always welcome. See our Contact page for further details.
Navigating through the Chronology can easily be accomplished by using the boxes to the left. Alternately, there are ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ options at the bottom of each page. Following these will take you page by page through the entire document. Clicking on the ‘Home’ box or the ‘Never give up’ logo will bring you back to the general site index.
A quick browse through the origin and the organisation of the chronology may also be helpful before you begin.
Feminist Archive North gratefully welcomes stories, photos and other memorabilia from the conferences and campaigns listed on these pages. We can help you digitalise materials for electronic donation — share your experience and keep your memorabilia too!
Key to symbols used:
FAN has at least one issue of this journal/newsletter
FAN has a complete run of this journal/ newsletter.
FAN has a file containing information from this conference
FAN also has further information contained within specific collections:
Sandra McNeill’s Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW)
Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic Engineering (FINRRAGE)
Feminist Small Press Books and Pamphlets on the WLM in Britain:
~ Graham, et al. (2003) The Feminist Seventies, York, UK: Raw Nerve Books
~ Fairbairns, Zoe (2003) Saying What We Want: Women’s Demands in the Feminist Seventies and Now, York, UK: Raw Nerve Books
Additional external sites of interest:
~ Cliff, Tony (1984) Class Struggle and Women’s Liberation [particularly Chapter 11 – The WLM in Britain], from the Marxist Internet Archive
~ Documents from the Women’s Liberation Movement: An Online Archival Collection at Duke University (US)
~ Feminist Seventies Conference at the University of York, April 2002
~Hanmer, Jalna – Making Connections: Researching Gendered Violence
~German, Lindsey (2003) Women’s Liberation Today. International Socialism Journal 101 [online]
~Lefties: Angry Wimmin, a BBC4 Documentary on Revolutionary Feminists in Leeds
~ Setch, Eve* (2002) The Face of Metropolitan Feminism: The London Women’s Liberation Workshop, 1969–79. Twentieth Century British History 13(2):171-190
~ The Women’s Library, Catalogue of Women’s Liberation Movement resources
~ Women in Politics*, Special Issue of Parliamentary Affairs, January 1996
~ Yorkshire Women of the Century
* Athens or similar subscription may be required to view content in peer-reviewed journals
Feminist Archive North accepts no responsibility for content on external sites